Bloomfield driver hides in barn to evade WPD officer
When a WPD officer attempted to stop a red S-10 on the hill road, the driver abruptly turned into a private lane, drove back and parked his vehicle in somebody’s barn. It didn’t work and the driver ended up in jail.
Luke William Ramsey
Luke William Ramsey, 19, Bloomfield, was arrested by Deputy Marshal Russell Walls of the Worthington Police Department late Sunday, June 23, after Ramsey allegedly fled then hid from Walls in an attempt to avoid a traffic stop.
Walls was traveling on State Road 157 on his way back to Worthington from Bloomfield that night when he saw a red Chevrolet S-10 pickup truck and a silver Honda Civic car southbound on the highway. The two vehicles were headed toward Bloomfield and Walls said they were traveling at a high rate of speed – 71 in a 50 mph zone. Walls turned around and hit the lights and siren. He also requested assistance.
Walls reported that as he was catching up to the two vehicles, they both started to slow down and then the red S-10 activated the right turn signal and made an abrupt turn into a private drive. The silver Civic also activated the right turn signal but just pulled over.
During the course of investigation, the driver of the silver Civic was identified as Kameron Michael Thompson who had one passenger with him, and the driver of the red S-10 was identified as Luke Ramsey, who also had one passenger with him.
Bloomfield Deputy Marshal Jordan Allor arrived to assist then Greene County Sheriff’s Deputy Davis Aerne also arrived to assist.
Officer Walls was out with the silver Civic and when Allor arrived, Allor went looking for the red S-10 and found it. The truck was driven back a lane then parked inside a metal building. Officer Allor reported the driver and passenger were both sitting inside the truck, inside the building.
Officer Walls had the driver of the silver Civic then back up and drive to the area where the red S-10 and Officer Allor were parked.
Officer Walls reported the license plate on the red S-10 did not belong with that vehicle but returned to a black Pontiac passenger car.
When Walls talked to Ramsey, Ramsey allegedly said he knew the officer was attempting to stop both vehicles but he was scared and knew about the license plate so he turned and drove back the lane and hid in the barn. Ramsey allegedly said he did not know who owned the property or the building where he was trying to hide. He also allegedly said he had consumed a few beers and smoked marijuana before driving.
Thompson, the driver of the silver Civic, was given a ticket for speeding and released from the scene. The two passengers were also released from the scene.
Ramsey was taken to the Greene County Jail for sobriety testing. Deputy Aerne administered a chemical test for alcohol which was negative. Ramsey was then transported to Greene County General Hospital for a blood draw – results pending, then back to jail where he was booked in around 11:38 p.m.
Ramsey’s bond was set at $8,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. He posted $800 cash and was released on Monday, June 24.
This week, Ramsey appeared in Greene Superior Court for an initial hearing and was charged with:
Resisting law enforcement with a deadly weapon, a Level 6 felony.
Operating a vehicle with a Schedule I or II controlled substance in person’s body, a Class C misdemeanor.