Court News: Infractions
List of all speeding tickets and other infractions filed in Greene Superior Court, January 1-7, 2023:
Greene Superior Court, Infractions
Johnathon L. Crist, entrance/exit to/from interstate highway/freeway, no u-turns on freeway/interstate highway
Stephen Zane Thomasson, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Richard Eugene Condol, failure of occupant to use seatbelt
Brandon Edwin Engler, operating a motor vehicle with a false plate – plate belongs to another vehicle, speeding
Billie J. Vester, failure to obey signs and markings while driving a vehicle
Kenneth Dalton Sounders, speeding
Brian Kyle Phillips, operating with expired pates
Isaiah Jay Robinson, failure of occupant to use safety belt
Joshua Hunter Bertram, operating a vehicle with expired plates
Adam Matthew Rodriguez, operating a vehicle with expired plates
Genevieve Ann Gaines, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Erin M. Grauburn, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Ashley Dawn Bell, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Kilynn Rhea Wagoner, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Michael Scott Gower, speeding – exceeding maximum 55 mph
Evan Richard Moore, registration and display of registration, speeding – exceeding maximum 55 mph
Jonathan Malagon Reyes, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Clidis Acosta Borges, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
David Joseph Spellmeyer, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Mercaides Jordan Burton, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Petherson Compas, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Faith Kinley Jochim, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Dustin Vandagrifft, operating with expired plates
Barbara J. Spencer, speeding
Ashley Marie Bligan, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Marty L. Crew, no operator’s license in possession
Jackson Blake Bruce, operating with expired plates
Kapil Mirg, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Keenan Douglas Simpson, operating with expired plates