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Court News: Infractions

List of all speeding tickets and other infractions filed in Greene Superior Court Feb. 3-Feb. 7, 2025:

Steven Mitchell, speeding

Brandi L. Treadway, driving while suspended

Jason Frields, operating with expired plates

Madison L. Elaine Johnson, failure of occupant to use safety belt

Jami A. Eyth, speeding

Shawn K. Toon, no valid driver’s license, failure of occupant to use safety belt

Michael R. Sharkey, II, speeding

Janean Y H Carr-mattlean, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Jaxon Butler Henke, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Priscilla L. Alden, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Connor J. Wiesmann, speeding

James C. Dieball, speeding

Lindsey Jo Booker, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Marcus W. Wagler, speeding

Shannon M. Ellis, no valid driver’s license

Marc A. Russell, Jr., speeding

Reece W. Crawford, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Jordan Keith James, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Carlo Scalo, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Michelle D. Faught, speeding

Michael T. Fellow, speeding

Braydon D. Brock, speeding

Jacob A. Hill, speeding—exceeding maximum 55 MPH

Brian A. Mitchell, operating with expired plates

Connie M. Weddle, operating with expired plates

Timothy A. Burleson, no valid driver’s license, driving while suspended

Jon M. Hillenburg, speeding

Eric J. Price, Jr., speeding

Jesse L. Smith, operating with expired plates

James Elmer Harris, failure to obey signs and markings while driving a vehicle

Frank D. Porter, Jr., failure to register an off-road vehicle

Sorine Chery, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Daniel John Sennott, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Margaret Belle Schutte Marx, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Abbey M. Robbins, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Terrance Richard Hood, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Lora Lynn Smith, operating with expired plates

Jefrin A. Espinal-Carrasco, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Naomi C. Hershberger, speeding

Ben A. Irvin, speeding

Tristan C. Croucher, operating with expired plates, driving while suspended

Marvin Dale Knepp, failure to register

Kristina M. Dixon, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Miranda Rose Lane, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Anna Jane Marie Sanders, operating with expired plates