Woman accused in domestic battery cases arrested for third time since July
A woman already arrested two times since mid-July in domestic incidents was arrested again yesterday for violating a protective order.
Carri Lynn Glidden
Carri Lynn Glidden, 60, formerly from Linton, now from Bloomfield, was booked into the Greene County Jail at 2:45 p.m. yesterday, Monday, September 20, after a warrant was issued for her arrest last Friday.
Glidden has now been arrested three times since mid-July and now has three criminal cases pending against her. After the first two arrests, she bonded out of jail but this time, she’s being held without bond.
She was arrested on July 13 in a case involving domestic battery, a Class A misdemeanor. She was arrested again on August 19, this time in a case involving domestic battery resulting in moderate bodily injury, a Level 6 felony. She was accused of battery to the same victim in both cases.
In connection with these cases, a protective order was issued on August 13 and served to Glidden, ordering her to have no-contact with the alleged victim in the two criminal cases, but on Thursday, September 3, the victim contacted the Greene County Sheriff’s Department to report a violation. When he called in, he said Glidden keeps trying to contact him for money and she had showed up and stood in his neighbor’s yard.
GCSD Deputy Davis Aerne was dispatched and when he talked to the victim, the man said on Wednesday, September 1, he heard his dogs barking so he went outside then saw Glidden hollering and waving her arms around, first standing behind a shed on his property then on the property of a church next door. He took pictures of her as she was leaving in a blue Kia SUV. He said once she was on the highway, she gave him “the finger.”
When Deputy Aerne talked to Glidden, after seeing the blue Kia SUV in the driveway, she allegedly said her friend wanted to go to a girl’s memorial at the church so they went but after she saw the alleged victim, she got in her car and left. She said after they left, they went to Jasonville then on the way back, she flipped off the alleged victim.
Deputy Aerne called the friend Glidden said wanted to go to the memorial but when asked if they went to the church for a memorial, she said no. The friend allegedly said they had gone to Walmart then Glidden drove to the church and pulled in close to the property line. She said she didn’t get out of the vehicle but she heard Glidden yelling something then saw the alleged victim come out of his house and take pictures. She also saw Glidden flip off the man. The friend also denied going to Jasonville.
So now Glidden is facing a third criminal case with a charge of invasion of privacy in violation of a protective order, a Class A misdemeanor.