Worthington Town Marshal under investigation
Worthington Town Marshal Randy Raney has been suspended from duty and is under investigation by the Indiana State Police.
Marshal Raney was suspended, with pay, by Worthington Town Council President Tom Franklin approximately two weeks prior to the last meeting of the Council this week, on Tuesday, October 8.
As president of the council, Franklin had the authority to order an immediate suspension at the time.
An Executive Session with the full Council was then held at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, shortly before the regular meeting, for the purpose of considering a personnel matter involving Raney.
No information has been released about whatever the issue or accusation is against Raney. It’s not a matter of public record. It is a personnel matter and the Council handles it in an executive session which is a meeting behind closed doors. However, the actual vote to act on a matter must be conducted during a public meeting.
During the regular monthly meeting of the Council on Tuesday evening, the formal decision to suspend Raney was made in a vote. The Council confirmed and supported Franklin’s initial decision made a couple of weeks earlier - the vote was unanimous in favor of Raney’s suspension with pay.
Raney could not be reached for comment.
When Franklin confirmed the suspension, he stressed that everyone is to be considered innocent until proven guilty.
As the Indiana State Police continues to investigate the matter, Raney’s suspension leaves the Worthington Police Department short-handed but Franklin explained the town is being covered.
Deputy Marshal Russell Walls is stepping up to handle WPD responsibilities, assisted by three WPD reserve officers.
In addition, Franklin said the Greene County Sheriff’s Department is also stepping up to patrol Worthington and is on call to respond to any reports or incidents and assist WPD personnel.
Franklin added that prior to his initial suspension, Raney had been on vacation. So the GCSD has been assisting WPD for some time.
Regarding an estimated time frame for when this situation might be resolved, there is no timetable or estimate of when the ISP investigation might be concluded.