Letters of support sought for sewer grant project
In order to complete needed updates on the town’s sewer plant, Worthington residents are asked to submit letters of support for a grant that would help fund a large portion of the project.
According to a post from Worthington Town Hall’s Facebook page, the sewer plant needs to be updated to meet current Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) standards. If the upgrades are not done, IDEM will start fining the town $10,000 per day.
The town is seeking a grant to pay for a large portion of the project and the grant committee is asking for letters of support from the community. Without the grant, sewer bills will rise significantly.
The town would appreciate letters of support. They can be handwritten or typed and can be dropped off to Town Hall or mailed to 20 South Commercial Street, Worthington, IN 47471.
If residents need assistance writing a letter, please call 812-875-2641 ext. 3. Messages can also be sent through the Worthington Town Hall Facebook page.